Saturday, January 31, 2009

Personal Bloggers Wanted

Luis von Blog is looking to exploit hire intelligent, experienced, and funny writers from third-world countries.

Job Requirements:

  • 3 to 5 posts per week; each post should be 50-500 words.
  • Every post should include at least one image.
  • Subject matter of posts is unimportant.
  • No duplicate posts!
  • Posts must sound intelligent and/or funny.
  • Cannot criticize or make fun of any agencies that fund Professor Luis von Ahn or potential future employers of him or his students.

$$$ Extra payments if your posts develop discussion around the subject! $$$

To start we will pay the standard rate of $1 per 200 words. If we see that you are doing a good job and delivering good quality we will increase the rate. Payments will be on a weekly basis via Paypal.

We are interested in a long term relationship and if it works we are also interested to work on more projects. Also looking to outsource: research, teaching, grant-writing, and advising of PhD students.

Addendum: Less than two hours after my original post, I have already received a few emails from interested parties. To help me evaluate your qualifications, you must submit a potential blog post, and it should be funny. You must be ok with me posting it here (even if you don't get the job).


  1. Hi There I would love to work on your project. My work will be original and well researched. It will be delivered to you on time. Can provide you samples of my work if the need be. Interested at $1.5 per post. Looking forward to your positive response.

  2. What do you mean by third world country. I wonder when you guys will come to term that so called third world country people are hard working and do these jobs because they look for instant money and not because they are incapable of doing other good stuff.

  3. Dear Anonymous,

    Would you like the job?

  4. Oh yes but with respect and dignity as it is offered to an american worker. We may not be as affluent as you are but have high standards of self respect and work ethics.

  5. May be worth clarifying: I myself am from a third world country (Guatemala).

  6. What about the job offer? Is it still open...

  7. :) You want the job even if I mistreat third world people? You have to send a sample post! And to be honest this whole post was supposed to be a joke -- hiring somebody else to write my personal blog is funny.

  8. Third world people are very funny. Will send a funny post soon...

  9. Hey Dr. Von Ahn. I'm from a 3rd world country!!! How about some 251 bonus for it :P (i guess Hong Kong isn't very 3rd world but it is IN China...)

  10. I am from a third-world country (which, btw, is an OK term for me) and live in a first-world country that in many senses is in the third world (Italy). Am I overqualified for the job? :)

  11. We are honored to announce that having six years of successful web writing experience; we are capable to provide you a vast range of challenging web-writing services. Our highly professional writers specialized in reviews/blog posts/blog comments/digg/slashdot will provide you with all the writing that you need. If you are not a creative person, we will assist you of the masterful solution you can achieve. Our work exhibits the essence of creative flair. Your project requirements have been identified partially and forwarded to the creative team for an analytical report that will be loaded just after your keen response. Meanwhile you can review our some projects mentioned below and check the attachment for our detailed portfolio.

  12. Don't settle for anything less than $0.65 per post.

  13. Well, this may be a joke. But many people are doing this. Think Y-Combinator or techstar.

  14. I like the term exploit, Nice, just cannot get the staff, l would not mind a consultant.

  15. If there is any exploiting going on let me know, l would mind a few new seo consultants.

  16. I am exploited everyday, l am a limo hire operator 14 hours 6 days a week.

  17. Feel sorry for you limo hire, l complain after 7 hours a day, get a new job, there is one on offer on here.

  18. mai pen lai Blog:
    just dance with life and deal with all the steps it requires. hear it's music and listen between the notes. and we are pausing.....pausing and then here come's it's final you think you can dance?
    let's go and exploit (strike that) explore this.

  19. P.S
    I was from a 3rd world country. and used to be exploited (strike that) with money and religion!

  20. Hola, no se si es este el lugar adecuado para una nueva propuesta de "captcha", es similar a la escritura, solo que habria que dibujar una(s) linea(s) de un punto a otro (puntos al azar), esto con el fin de evitar que se pueda saltear (hack) el captcha original. Los puntos podrian ser al azar ó parte de una imagen que querramos digitalizar. Espero explicarme bien.

  21. We may not be as affluent as you are but have high standard of self respect and work ethics.

  22. Actually, ethics and standards are very much debatable - Depends which side of the fence you are at...
