Sunday, February 8, 2009

Some Tough Questions

  • Reporter: What's your ultimate goal? Luis: I'm trying to get computers to do everything humans can. (More honest answer that I didn't use: I want to watch more TV.)

  • Reporter: But, what will *we* do once computers can do everything humans can? Luis: Computers will be our slaves and we'll dedicate our lives to watching TV, playing sports, and philosophizing. Personally, I'll watch more TV.

  • Reporter: Aren't you scared that computers will take over the world when they become smarter than us? Luis: I'll tell you a great quote from Pedro Domingos: People fear computers becoming smarter and taking over the world, but currently computers are not very smart and they already have taken over the world!

    1. But would you ever get a computer to grade any program? :P


    3. **I know the post was intended to be funny, but on a more serious note**

      What about Godel's incompleteness and Turing's Halting problems?

      Will computers ever learn to think?

    4. I don't see how that really matters. Unless you think our brain has some magical ability or "soul," computers should be able to do everything our brains can.

    5. On a more philosophical note, aren't you intrigued at what the study of human computation will teach us about our own idiosyncrasies as human beings? Or have I watched Bladerunner too many times?

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. get computers to grade 251 assignments

    8. Or better, get computers to do research..
