Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bored: Need Some Scandalous Gossip

Many people have emailed asking why I haven't posted on this blog for a while. Well, here's why: I've been busy working on a bunch of things including a super duper secret project. I have a big mouth, so I best not say anything else.

I'm now taking a little break and I need some entertainment. I tried the TV but there was nothing good. Soooo... how about we try this: readers, use the handy anonymous comment box below to tell the world and me some gossip. Now, this gossip should be maximally entertaining to me, so here are the rules: (1) It should be juicy. (2) It should be related to computer science or technology in general. (3) Extra points if it has to do with CMU or any university. Let's see what you got.


  1. Are there any people secretively on the job market?

  2. I heard from somebody that the new CMU CSD department head is a "he"

  3. Luis von Ahn has a crush on Victor

  4. All the gossip I got would ruin a career if I posted it on a blog. Sorry dude

  5. This is timeless, I guess:

  6. Can we speculate on who will win the Nevanlinna Prize this summer? Reingold? Spielman? Indyk?

  7. A few years ago, my friend and I tried to speculate who would win the Turing award, and so far none of our guesses have panned out :( We had a long list. Part of the problem, I think, is that we're not very well versed in the old-school fundamentals of computer science.


  9. secret projects are lame

  10. secret projects are awesome what the hell are you talking about?

  11. Luis was the previous anonymous poster.

  12. Analogy Engine 9688March 26, 2010 at 6:04 PM

    It would be more fun to guess secret project Luis is pursuing.
    Give its "confidential" it is not at all related to Captcha or ESP in a direct sense but rather a bit derivative i would say.

    Here are my guesses:
    1. Something related to real-time closed loop machine learning with a Game interface

    2.something related to social network, maybe some esp type game to rank the connections etc.
    [a bit Lame guess actually]

  13. Luis von Ahn or one of his ancestors is from Korea, since Ahn is a very common family name in Korea. Even more, maybe from North Korea as a secret weapon of information war, aiming to confuse the world about what computer science is for after all. He made numerous PhD students in CS around the world waste time developing games, maybe to give North Korea some time to break the state-of-the-art encyription system.

    - Dr. Anonymous Ahn in South Korea

  14. someone heard about Re-recaptcha..where you have to perfectly decode a code to......

  15. "Gossip Geek", this fall, only on The CW...

  16. Dr. Ahn, I've been dying to know, do you play video games?

  17. Off-topic but remember your desire for well-produced educational lectures?
    I think this might qualify for an economics class:

  18. Judea Pearl will win the next turing award.

  19. "Many people have emailed asking why I haven't posted on this blog for a while. Well, here's why: I've been busy working on a bunch of things including a super duper secret project. I have a big mouth, so I best not say anything else. "

    Well, I have been checking this blog out since the first post. I think that some of the first posts were pretty interesting, but since then it is 100% boring crap.

    My theory is that you don't post anything because you don't really have what to say. You don't have a complete personality - or at least a broad spectrum of interests.

    Your brilliance is a complex distribution, but it is one dimensional.

  20. what happened to CMU grads? their quality has been going downhill over the last 2 years.

  21. I think he means the English majors.

  22. As a result of constantly rubbing each other's heads and playing with each other's hair, there has been a terrible outbreak of lice in Gates 3000 (*that* cluster).

    The University won't be taking any action though, as they expect the lice to leave voluntarily when they get sketched out by the fact that they are in Gates 3000.

  23. vine tarde perdon
    escuche por alli que unos suertudos se encontraron un prototipo de iphone. Supongo ya lo escuchaste

    sos lo mejor que hubo en guate, gracias a vos tenemos chapta

    por cierto, agrega eso de google friend connect, asi tengo mas chance de enterarme lo que hay en tu blog, segunda vez que vengo.

    Saludos desde guate!

  24. Err...this is what happens when you ask for gossip on blog; you get burned down by frustrated 251 kids. Luis is anything but uni-directional, he is evil, but not uni-directional. Go read his papers first, specially the ones who make the babes go wild.

  25. well, in other news, the usac was closed and taken by a group demanding autonomy on the university. This is in guatemala

  26. If his brilliance was complex, it would be two dimensional...

    lrn2algebra or gtfo imo

  27. @Anonymous 11:58

    :-) I am not in CMU, and my student days are -unfortunately- over. What is uni-directional :-)?

    @Anonymoys 2:31
    Are YOU in CMU? You make anonymous 6:15 sound right! A distribution in an one dimensional space can be complex. Then, it is an one-dimensional complex distribution.

    P.S. This is probability theory, not algebra.
    P.S.2: I admit I didn't know gtfo before though:-)

    A distribution in one dimension can very well be complex. That is a complex one dimensional distribution.

  28. well I just saw your youtube video on recaptcha and its fascinating stuff. so its no secret you are a modern genius.

    Keep up the good work.

  29. please post again - your blog is the best!!!

  30. could be a potential collaborator for you - given they claim 5 million users playing their games - think of all the human computation going on.
